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Brandon Kennedy
Jul 10, 2019
In Unity Consciousness
Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 10, 2019
In Unity Consciousness
All is One... One is All. We are all cells in the collective body. Let us nurture and grow in harmony with life. We are all connected. Let us remember to love our brothers & sisters as we would love ourselves. Together we can create a beautiful world.
We Are One content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 10, 2019
In Collective Vision
This category is here to support the UFX Community, and will serve many purposes. Even if you're just an artist looking to express more freely, you'll be amazed by the benefits of personal development. Health & Balance are important. Everyone (including myself) would benefit greatly from implementing certain practices. Alignment isn't always easy to maintain. On the path of personal growth, it's empowering to have guidance & resources! Fulfillment & Success... we all want to be happy. For many that means feeling accomplished, inspired, and that your life has purpose. At the root of our human condition, we all want to feel loved, supported, accepted, and secure. What that means, or what the dream looks like, is subjective to each individual. It's no surprise that the systems in our society have lead many to feel unfulfilled or lacking a sense of purpose. If you resonate with this, that's okay! The good news is: your truth is within you patiently awaiting discovery, and you have an abundance of resources to help you self-actualize. Only you can look within yourself and remember what your soul came here to do. You are unique and have gifts to share with the world. Only you can decide to embark on the "Hero's Journey" of personal transformation. It may be the only way to truly set yourself free and live your dreams. Only you can face your deepest aspects of Self... transmuting darkness into light, fear into love, and pain into bliss. But being open to external help is important. Identifying your passions, evolving, and pushing through fear to create your dreams can be an incredibly challenging (yet rewarding) path. Luckily, you are supported. By the creative essence of the Universe itself, as well as many gifted individuals whose chosen purpose is to help you reach full potential. In this forum you will find amazing free content and holistic coaches. Everyone benefits from mentorship and deep refections that help bring out the best versions of us! I encourage any Specialists to share their work here, so the Unified Extreme Community has options if looking help with personal growth. As with vocal teaching, different people resonate with different approaches. There is no one "way" to heal, and there is strength in diversity. Share what you feel called to share. Thanks!
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 10, 2019
In Collective Vision
The Health & Transformation forum is a bonus feature at Unified Extreme. It is a place for seekers to learn, share, and evolve. You will find free holistic content and links to deeper research. Discover resources to become the best version of yourself. This feature is a LITE version of Conscious Warriors Collective: A vision of vibrant global community centred in Unity Consciousness. The non-profit, open-source, full-depth forum will come later this year. Our mission is to connect the beautiful souls of the planet, so we can come together and change the world from the inside out. This begins with sharing ideas, helping each other access the most effective personal development resources, and figuring out the best ways to truly align and unify our efforts. It is very a much a collective project that no one person could accomplish alone. Please join the cause - we need your help! Conscious Warriors Collective is about supporting all to share their gifts, speak their truth, and become the best versions of themselves. It’s about sharing & discussing information and perspectives so we can catalyze each other’s growth. The time is now to step into our power, individually and collectively. Our best shot at transforming our society is by transforming ourselves. As each individual does the inner work to heal their wounds, transmute darkness, and open to Love, we will see an increase in well-being and a collective evolution. If we succeed to unify with our brothers & sisters worldwide, we should be able to save ourselves from where we are currently headed. Our planet needs us now more than ever. With every brilliant soul following through on their callings, each functioning as a cog in the mathematically perfect cosmic machine, we can create not only a more fulfilled population, but a more balanced world… one that honours the sacredness of life and lives in harmony with nature… instead of the extreme polarity we are experiencing now. At the root, this is a matter of Collective Consciousness and our sense of connection to the Earth. Personally, I once saw the future of humanity as inevitably bleak. But this was before going inwards and finding mySelf. Experiencing an ocean of love and connectedness. Understanding innately that we are One. Realizing that Love is the only force strong enough to dissolve fear. And that each individual possesses so much brilliance, love, and power within themselves. You might think that there is more fear and hatred in the world than there is love, and I would say I feel you… but infinite love sleeps in the hearts & souls of 7 billion people. I promise you this. It is only a matter of people choosing to wake up to their own true essence and potential. Everyone is a unique, creative, incredible expression of life force. We all have gifts to share and purposes to fulfill. And I believe in every single one of us. Our path to creating a prosperous outer world starts with inner journeys. We can find love and connection within ourselves, and see it mirrored in others. But first we must allow ourselves to feel our repressed pain – which is blocking us. We can discover our true callings and become the best versions of ourselves. We just need to cultivate good intentions and commit to doing the work. Ultimately, we can come together to make the changes we need to make, and show up for Mother Earth… our home, which has given us everything we’ve ever known, and deserves our absolute care. Just like the trillions of cells in your body working to keep you alive… we are all cells in the collective body. Each part is completely significant for the prosperity of the whole! Only you can answer the call from within to explore yourself and achieve your full potential. I’m not here to tell anyone what to do, think, or believe – I respect you and honour your individuality. To each their own! I just want to help those who seek within on their path to finding themselves, by sharing the resources & reflections that have helped me along the way, and inspiring others to do the same. We’re all in this together and can evolve together. I envision a more synergistic world where we utilize the powers of the internet to truly unify and lift each other up. We can always be doing better. This is just one way to play our part in the dream. Big changes are coming in our lifetime, and we can help make the future brighter. I hope this creation serves you, and makes ripples in the Collective Consciousness! Much love, - B
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 10, 2019
In Humour
feels content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 10, 2019
In Teachers
Hi! I'm a vocal teacher and the creator of Unified Extreme. I offer lessons worldwide via Skype and locally in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I specialize in extreme vocals and have explored a vast spectrum of techniques. More information regarding my studies and approach can be found on the course registration page. Hourly rates and discount packages are available for private & group lessons (recordings are included to keep for practice). You can order your time and find more information about my services here, then contact my facebook page to schedule your lesson. This cover exhibits my personal screaming styles, and I have free vocal tutorials coming soon to introduce my new method.
Vocal Lessons with Brandon Kennedy content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 10, 2019
In Teachers
Creator of the Zen of Screaming series, a pioneer for extreme vocal technique, and a friend of Unified Extreme. I highly recommend checking out her new course! It will snap you into alignment, get you out of your head, and connect you to resonant flow states. All vocalists will benefit! Everything she teaches will enhance what you learn here (and vice versa).
Melissa Cross content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 10, 2019
In Self-Love & Exploration
Love yourself. It's easier said than done but 100% worth the effort. It is so important and will transform your life experience in so many ways. You deserve it. I love you <3
Self-Love is Key! content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 10, 2019
In Cymatics & Sound Healing
To put it simply, Cymatics is the study of sound and vibration made visible, typically on the surface of a plate, diaphragm or membrane. Every frequency exhibits a certain geometry, and patterns become more complex as frequency raises. Why is this significant? Well, besides it being awesome, it has massive implications, and points to the fundamental structure of our universe. It provides evidence for the claim that all form in the physical world (including us) owes its existence to sound. Hence, Nikola Tesla's famous quote “if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” You can research deeper if you're interested, but I'm just here to introduce topics and share some videos to help you get started. Below are cool demonstrations of patterns becoming more complex as frequency raises. Cymatics Experiment with Very High Frequencies DIY Cymatics Experiment with Violin Bow If you want to go down this rabbit hole, I recommend checking out the Ancient Knowledge series. It's like a compilation of videos organized to walk you through deep concepts. As with all research, "take it with a grain of salt". I don't personally resonate with every idea mentioned, and you don't have to either, but many scientific aspects are too interesting to pass up (for example, the universal mathematics presented in later parts). This is a great place to start exploring the topics of Consciousness, Cymatics and Sacred Geometry.
What is Cymatics? content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 10, 2019
In Overcoming...
Self-Acceptance: Embracing Your Negative Mind by Honouring Your Truth "Soul Retrieval can Heal Addiction, Trauma, and Mental Illness" (See more relevant posts in Shadow Work section)
Embracing Your Negative Mind & Soul Retrieval content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 10, 2019
In Shadow Work
Metal helps us embrace our dark side. From my post in the Cymatics & Sound Healing section: Metal music can be extremely therapeutic as it allows us to confront, feel, and purge negative emotions. Of course, everything is best in moderation, but anyone who enjoys heavy music probably gets what I mean. I can't speak for everyone, but this is my personal experience. It's a catharsis to embrace and purge negative emotions. I can feel heavy with hurt, anger, or sadness, then listen to my favourite bands, and walk away feeling cleansed. I believe this powerful emotional outlet is why metalheads are generally known to be nice people. By accepting, confronting, embracing, and releasing our darker energy we create space to be lighter. Everyone needs some kind of outlet...
Metal Music is Shadow Work content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 09, 2019
In Unity Consciousness
The Principle of Polarity: Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like & unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
7 Hermetic Principles content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 09, 2019
In Quantum Universe
Really awesome animation showing a perspective we weren't taught in schools!
Solar System Vortex content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 09, 2019
In Quantum Universe
A brilliant quantum physicist. Every one of his videos and papers are fascinating! • Black Whole (Documentary) • Connected Universe TED Talk • Dark Matter & Dark Energy • Unified Science - Resonance Academy • Solving the "Vacuum Catastrophe" - Relativity & Quantum Mechanics • You Create Reality & Reality Creates You (2010 Presentation Clip 1) • Extracting Energy from the Vacuum (2010 Presentation Clip 2) * Love this one! * • Atoms are 99.999999% empty space • Time & Memory
Nassim Haramein content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 08, 2019
In Self-Love & Exploration
I highly recommend this book! Very simple and profound. A great resource to help transform your relationship with yourself. (I'd post a link but the cheapest source might be different depending on where you live) Cheers!
The Untethered Soul content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 07, 2019
In Bands
Love these instrumentals!
Plini content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 06, 2019
In Prosperity & Abundance
I wrote this email to a friend awhile ago. Hope the reflections help in some way! "Hey man, I hope you've been well. Considering your situation, I feel called you help you in realizing your power as a creator, and your ability to live a prosperous dream life... it starts with reclaiming your mind and reprogramming to a more positive, intentional life perception. It took me years to unlearn suppressive thought patterns from childhood and develop an abundance mindset. It's not our fault that we've been programmed with a lack mentality and the idea that we have to play certain games within a system. Inevitably we will still play within the larger "system", but by hacking our minds with positive, conscious, creative drive and escaping the typical patterns of wealth gain (thanks to the recent internet evolutions), we can share value with thousands of people, feel fulfilled by serving others, and win at life - starting from anywhere and any situation. If you resonate with these ideas, I suggest that you start developing an abundance mindset. It might feel weird at first, but you can do it. Be aware of your thoughts (reading the Power of Now is great for this). Tell yourself "I am abundant, abundance flows to me effortlessly. Everything I need will be there in perfect timing." There will definitely be some weird feelings and discord as you challenge your deep programming. If you catch yourself thinking "Oh no I might not have enough money for that" change it to "I am abundant, everything meant for me flows to me. I have nothing to worry about." Even if situations arise where you feel lacking or broke (and they will) think of it as a test. It's ok that you don't have excessive amounts of cash sitting around - what is important is you'll always have everything you need to survive. That's abundant. Even having your living/food/family/clothing/water situation makes you super abundant as it is. And as we develop gratitude for what we have, we open up to receive more. The shift to overflowing physical abundance won't happen immediately, and you will have to work hard, but... the shift in your mind will open doors that may currently be closed. Mental state and belief systems are everything in our strange universe. If you believe you are limited, you will be. If you believe you are worthy and deserve abundance, one way or another you will receive it. However, the polarity to your desires (ex. your subconscious fears and lack programming) can neutralize any positive charge you cultivate towards abundance. It really requires an inner transformation, and letting go of what holds you down, to see outer results. If you choose to not limit yourself and believe radical things are possible... the reality you experience will reflect this. Energetically, it also helps to have good intentions and a loving heart. Getting to this inner state of being takes some surrender and trust in the universe, which I understand may be difficult if you haven't experienced reasons to do so directly. I only achieved major breakthroughs through direct sacred experience in shamanic plant medicine ceremonies... so I know words don't mean much, but if you can, trust me man. The universe loves you and has your back. Trust may seem like a huge risk, but the secret is... life is waiting for you to surrender so it can catch you and raise you up. I'll speak into this more later.  With this abundance mindset... imagine you have hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars, sitting in the corner of your room at all times... you just can't touch it yet physically. But convince yourself the energy of it is there. If your logic filters block this experience, consider that time is an illusion and in our quantum universe, the information for everything that has/is/will happen exists right NOW. So really, if you were ever to make that much money, it's there. It's already yours. Can you believe in yourself so radically that this is possible? Can you FEEL what it would be like to live this experience? Tapping into genuine belief of self-worth, and feeling into what you desire (vibrating at the same frequency of your dreams) literally hacks the potential of your reality. Let's get metaphysical here. We know that you are an electromagnetic being. That's a whole rabbit hole in itself that we're going to gloss over. Your thoughts & feelings are powerful - they act like magnets and co-create reality. As Nassim Haramein says, "You create your reality, and reality is creating you". To put it simply, life is like a feedback loop. How do we change our story? We change the narrative we tell ourselves about our lives, for a start. We visualize and focus on what we want, rather than what we don't want. We look for reasons to be grateful instead of reasons to complain. It's all about becoming more harmonious with universal laws. You'll know what I mean when you begin to experience it - words don't do justice. Now to put some power into your conscious creation, you want to really FEEL what it's like to have all that financial abundance there with you. Let that energy flow, charge up, and take notice of what it does to your physical vibration. Compared to other emotions, like scarcity, it should feel very different, and better. I promise that if you practice this, you will begin to feel abundant, weird shit will start aligning for you, your frequency will shift, and the magic of the universe (I like to refer to it as divine mathematics) will begin to flow in your favour. This isn't to say money will just drop into your lap (I mean, it is possible, but let's not get lazy), it's likely that you will have to work hard for your abundance. However, this internal shift will catalyze an external shift. Where doors were once closed (because you didn't believe you were worthy), the universe will now open you up to new opportunities. You might discover your true passion by "chance". You might meet the right person to get into an industry or job you've wanted. I'm not aware of your specific desires, but all I can say is the universe will effortlessly pull some crazy shit in your life if you allow it to. You will be tested, and it will take discipline to uphold this new frequency of mind, even when the sensory you receive around you may contradict it. But that's okay, push through it. Adopt the new mindset that is in greater alignment to your higher self, your full potential, the life and freedom you desire. You can look at your empty bank account and still feel abundant (as mentioned in other posts, it's not all about money). But if money is a hangup, Imagine all the money (energy) you'll come into contact with over your life. It will come and go. Focus on the sheer gravity of how abundant you are. Open up to your most prosperous sense of self. Believe it's possible (because it very much is), and with some time & energy, your mind will be blown with the opportunities and abundance that present themselves to you. Creating a vision board is a fun & productive way to identify what your dream life consists of (both broadly & in detail). It's powerful because every day you look at it in your room, your mind is more aligned and focused on what you want to attract into your experience. Worry mentality, which many people default to, is fear - fear of what could go wrong. Abundance & trust mentality, which we must actively reprogram to, is love - love for what could go right. The other side of the coin is gratitude. Always remember to feel gratitude for everything in your life, even right now before anything takes off to its new magical potential. Your life, as it is right now, is a beautiful miracle. If you appreciate it for what it is, you open up to even greater reasons to feel grateful. By surrounding yourself with this loving energy and mindset, your outlook on life improves, your power as a manifestor improves, and many more benefits.  For the vision board, if you have a PC the best program is Microsoft Publisher, if you have a Mac its Pages. Writing a document first and then finding images & words after is helpful. Really ask yourself what you want in life, for your own greatest benefit (self love), as well as how you wish to affect & help others. Pretend you live in a mega-supercomputer multidimensional simulation, and can create any reality you want ;) what reality would you create? Who would you be? What would you do? Personally, I find living to serve others brings the most fulfilment, but I also hold space for serving myself and things I'll enjoy experiencing. Also, think if you had all the money in the world, and you never had to work again... how would you live? What experiences do you want to have? How would you help others? Basically - pretend money isn't an object. Your soul may voice it's true callings when not held back by such limitation. And if you don't hear those callings or feels those passions - it's okay, even the intention to seek opens you up to discover them. Jay Shetty (ex-monk, viral public figure on social media) says - fulfillment is about selfless sacrifice. Your passion is for you, your service is for others. These are good questions to ask: - What am I good at? - What do I love? - What does the world need? - How do I get paid for it? And in the exercise I mentioned above, forget the last one for a sec. Once you've identified them without money, re-integrate the ideas with money. And like I said before... we can make money online either in passion niches, or random niches that are profitable, self-sustaining, and liberating. If money flows abundantly without direct trading of time we will be free to commit to our real passions (which may not involve money). Whatever road you take is your choice - I'm just letting you know that you have many choices! So back to the visions... imagine if you could live your dream life, no restraints, no limitations. I know it might be weird and you may think that certain things are unattainable, but I implore you to push your boundaries of what you think is possible and envision the best possible life you could live. We are programmed to feel unworthy, but the truth is that you deserve the best. Don't feel shameful in claiming abundance because with a pure heart you can use abundance not only for yourself but to help those you love and the world at large. This could be anything from financial abundance, to spiritual awakening & enlightenment, to achieving your music dreams, to living in a different place with a nice house, to traveling year round... it's a blank canvas, and you're the painter. Try to be as specific as possible and ask yourself what you truly want - not only will it be a fun exercise but you will hone in on the reality you want to create. Tune in to the joy you feel when imagining these realities. Your thoughts and emotions are your power to manifest physical experiences! I also highly suggest reading The Untethered Soul to begin deeply freeing your mind and exploring yourself. With this new inner direction you can begin putting energy into your future and taking action in alignment with your goals. This may also help you decide or discover what niches you want to serve - ultimately creating your own abundance and financial freedom. I'm sorry for writing you a book (lol), I just felt a very strong calling to help you in finding yourself & claiming all the love and freedom that you deserve. If you decide that you want it all - I ask that you go into it with an open heart & mind, and really try to work towards the goals you set for yourself. I promise that you will feel fulfillment, purpose, and freedom if you choose to act boldly. It's brave to trust yourself & trust the universe. Fulfilment doesn't come from material abundance, but by aligning to your callings - reasons why you incarnated here on earth this lifetime. By allowing yourself to open up to this new level of freedom you'll be able to become the best version of yourself, as well as affect others positively... which I have found brings the greatest fulfillment.  The universe is a mysterious matrix. It may seem like certain demise when you jump off the edge of the abyss and surrender to life, but in a beautiful paradox, you will find that there are very comfy pillows waiting to catch you (Terence McKenna said this much more elegantly lmao). I know that without proof, trusting the universe is hard, but doing so has been one of my greatest lessons for a prosperous life. It is imperative to believe the universe is on your side, regardless of the setbacks and "misfortunes" along the way. I have learned that darkness and suffering serve to catalyze our greatest lessons and transformations - they are what push us to grow & evolve. Through it all, life is a beautiful miracle... and we're better for it. There's no pleasure without pain, no bliss without suffering... but we can find balance & live the lives of our dreams, if we pursue it.  Anyways man, I hope this helps in some way. These are just my passionate reflections. I'm still learning & applying the lessons, and have much to learn myself. But these concepts have changed my life for the better in so many ways - I wanted to pass some off to you. All in all, don't give up, keep killing it my dude, believe in yourself, honour your truth, and utilize the opportunities that are presenting themselves to you. You can do it, you just gotta be smart and put in the work. Research the different ways to make money online, and we'll party in Thailand one day for a few weeks while we still bring in abundance and serving others ;) All the best, much love B
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 06, 2019
In Prosperity & Abundance
Preceding the Law of Attraction. Powerful perspective. (If you're not into spiritual stuff just extract the scientific implications of the Law of Vibration in our quantum field!)
Law of Vibration content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 05, 2019
In Quantum Universe
Sacred Geometry is the fundamental mathematical form (or building blocks) of our Universe and can be found in all of nature. A very interesting, expansive rabbit hole to dive into!
Sacred Geometry content media
Brandon Kennedy
Jul 05, 2019
In Quantum Universe
3D Yin Yang Shape of the Universe
Torus & 3D Yin Yang content media

Brandon Kennedy

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